Wednesday, 30 July 2014

"Bitch slapped by nature"

Bahaha, back so soon. Actually Zoe this time.

So, today we got a really early shuttle to the train station and took a stupid selfie. Oh yeah.

Took the Tranz Alpine across the mountains from Christchurch as far as Arthur's Pass. This involved going in a carriage that was open to the elements and resulted in what Claire termed getting bitch slapped by nature. Most awesome, plus some great pics. Amy managed to almost lose another cup of tea due to turbulence. It seems the Kiwis do tea better than us, which is entirely unacceptable.

Getting off the train and onto the bus was an adventure in itself, what with all the wind and flying metal sheeting. In the words of Dion, our conductor person: "Oh shit."

It was missing down in Greymouth when we picked up the car.Amy took first shift - a nice pootle up to Punakaiki. Lots of photos. Much pretties. Then we had massive burgers in a cafe. We also saw a weka (Google it). Then Amy managed to stall an automatic. IMPRESSIVE.

The car is called Ed. Say hi.

Also, pun of the day: "Sedimentary, my dear Watson."

A final note: whoever designed rail crossings in NZ has no idea what they're doing. They go across the middle of roundabouts. With no barriers. Or lights. Just a tiny sign that says look for trains. Really?

Tomorrow - to the glaciers! Woo!

1 comment:

  1. We got your postcard today thank you! Looking forward to the next blog. Hope the glaciers were as amazing as I remember them
