Saturday, 26 July 2014


I think the title is fairly self-explanatory. :D

We're going to New Zealand today (actually, I have to ring for two weddings first, with Zoe in my ear going 'WE'RE GOING TO MISS THE PLANE!!!!!') and then we're going to Birmingham and the weather will be glorious and the traffic will be shit (Something about 1.2million people flying out of British airports today, or somesuch waffle) and then we'll get on a plane and Zoe will be an insomniac and Claire will (hopefully) survive and it will be long and dark and they won't stop feeding us (If Emirates are anything like Qantas) and then it will be Monday instead of Saturday and we will be in New Zealand and SNOW. Or at least COLD. YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

(Are you noticing a theme here? Zoe's posts are much better put together than mine, I'm just like WRITE ALL THE THINGS!!!!! TELL THE PEOPLE ALL THE THINGS!!!!!)

Zoe's just told me I'm brilliant at blog writing and that when her fingers are tired, I can do it. YAY. Also, she described my blog writing as just BLBLBLFLERGHGHGBLERGH, or something.

Also, I think that the 2 days to go blog should have been a group of things that happened in twos, like the number of times I had to go through my stuff and take stuff out, the number of spare pairs of shoes I have, the number of jumpers I sacrificed to get necessary stuff in my case... The list goes on.

Just popping to the other side of the world (That almost said pooping), brb.

Amy x

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